Some well-appointed PR is the perfect way to get a message out to as many people as possible if you’ve got an interesting story to tell about your business.
A carefully written press release, some great photos and a reliable list of journalists can give a real boost to your business, especially if you hit the big time and make it into a national newspaper or magazine.
If you do get the publicity, before you pat yourself (or your copywriter or PR consultant) on the back for a job well done, don’t forget to leverage your press coverage even more by telling your current clients and network about it. It does sound obvious, but you can be so busy chasing the bigger goal of national coverage that you forget to tell your loyal fans. And it all helps to build your reputation and relationships.
You might be able to put the news story or feature on your website or link to it. If you send out a regular newsletter to your clients and suppliers via something like MailChimp, the story of your press coverage makes a great subject. Otherwise you can use it for a standalone email.
We have recently written a blog post and two MailChimp pieces for one of our clients, Patrick Lewis Architects, after they received some stunning coverage in The World of Interiors and The Sunday Times. The Sunday Times report was entitled “East London’s most beautiful flat” and featured in the prestigious Home section. World of Interiors is the style bible for the interior design industry, so this was brilliant to shout about.
We were quick to build on this fantastic PR by expressing the delight of Patrick and his team and weaving in great quotes from the reports. You can read the World of Interiors blog here.
And of course you can spread the word on social media, linking both to the press coverage and your inside story on it. Win, win all round.