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Totally Reliable

Totally reliable and with bags of creativity, we’ll set you apart from the rest. Clients love our content writing because we:

  • Unearth the ‘hidden nuggets’ that make them stand out from the crowd.

  • Develop a tone of voice to give their brand personality.

  • Write fresh, punchy text that’s engaging and informative.

  • Get every message bang on target to reach new customers.

We work with ad and design agencies as well as direct with businesses, and we’re used to handling VIP accounts. Although we can’t say that eight out of ten cats prefer Editing Edge copywriting, we can say that 90% of our work comes from recommendation.

How We Work

You tell us what you need and we give you a fixed-price quote, so you know what your bill will be. We usually begin with a fact-finding phone call or meeting to discuss your target audience and what you want them to do. We create draft copy within two weeks (much sooner if you’re in a rush). You let us know of any tweaks or changes you’d like and we send you a final version. Fees include consultation, up to three drafts and proofreading.

For intelligent copywriting for print, call Editing Edge. We’re the Hampshire copywriters working across the UK.

I can write with wicked humour or with gravitas when occasion demands (for the House of Lords, for example). And I never, ever miss a deadline. I’m based where Hampshire borders West Sussex and Surrey, but work from London to Manchester, Edinburgh to Cardiff, Paris to Dubai.

I’d love to talk to you, so call me today … (A bit louder, please.)

Examples of Our Work

view our case studies