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Awards Copywriting

Working in my role as a senior consultant for awards specialists Awards Intelligence I have submitted award entries for world-leading business and individuals; many for the Queen’s Award for Enterprise (QAE), the world’s most prestigious business award as well as countless other award schemes over the years.

I’ve worked with fantastic companies, with great stories of achievement.  Many were stumped, however, when it came to filling out the daunting entry forms.

What they needed was a professional awards writer to tell their story in a compelling, focused way. If you are thinking of applying for an award, you need an award entry that:

  • contains strong financials
  • stresses your strategic thinking and how you have adapted to events
  • adds context to show why what you have achieved is important
  • uses human examples throughout
  • use lots of testimonials to back up your boasting
  • maxes out the word count for each question – but keeps it relevant!
  • makes the judges sit up and say, ‘Wow! That’s impressive’

If you are looking to apply for the Queen’s Award in particular, bear in mind that most companies only get one stab at the QAE.  The submission process is rigid with strict word counts for each section.

When you realise the sheer amount of information that the judges require in such a condensed form, you soon realise why it’s so difficult to compile the entry.

It’s vital to get it right first time. If you miss the deadline, you can’t enter for another year – by which time turnover might have dipped, rendering your company ineligible.

And the entry needs to wow. My job is to tell a story and keep the judges agog from beginning to end.

Case Studies

Here’s a flavour of some of our awards entry projects:

Blog Posts

Here’s a flavour of some of our awards blog posts:

Award-winning copywriting

Entering awards is not only a great opportunity to boost the profile of your business and increase credibility but also a fabulous moment to shine the light on a special individual – a team member, friend, or family member – who is doing something out of the ordinary. At Editing...

The Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2022

  The Queen’s Birthday Honours List is a moment to recognise and celebrate amazing people across the UK – not just the celebs, but ordinary people doing extraordinary things.   This is an uplifting time of the year. And of course, 2022 is an extra special year being the Queen’s...
speech writing

This is my moment

  The awards season is in full swing and while the papers will be full of celebrities in the latest designer gowns on red carpets, there’s also growing anticipation about…

how to win business awards

5 secrets to winning awards

These are fantastic companies that are world leaders in their sectors, with great stories of achievement. They were stumped, however, when it came to filling out the daunting 30-page entry form. What they needed was a professional awards writer to tell their story in a compelling, focused way

Compiling a shining entry takes a lot of work. But you won’t win if you don’t enter, and you won’t give yourself the best shot if you cobble an entry together at the last minute. Don’t delay – improve your chance of winning by working with a professional award writer.