We’ve been doing some work for one of our favourite clients that really underlines the idea that ‘less is more.’
It will probably take a day and a half, including research, thinking time and wordsmithery.
It involves getting right to the heart of what the company is all about.
We have a stack of background notes, market research and comparisons from competitors’ websites.
It’s important enough that it will have to be signed off by the directors.
And it will probably amount to no more than 35 words.
Yes, 35 words for the firm’s Mission Statement. A couple of lines that sums up its ethos, verve, brand image and creativity.
Packing so much meaning/thought into so few words is harder than you’d think.
But as well as emphasising that ‘less is more,’ it also illustrates how important it is for a business to get its message right.
Which sometimes means a lot of attention to detail!