The Client

Weir Group


Weir Group plc is a FTSE 100 global mining technology company. Guided by its ambition of becoming a zero-harm workplace, it recognises that the safety, physical and mental health and wellbeing of its employees are intrinsically linked. It wants Weir to be an exceptional place to work and belong, and somewhere that everyone can do the best work of their lives. As part of this, the company is running fantastic initiatives on five continents to support employees’ mental health and wellbeing.

The Problem

But Weir was underreporting externally on its broader wellbeing activity and so wanted to shine a spotlight on all the great wellbeing and mental health work, showcasing it to a range of stakeholders, from candidates to investors. This also included ensuring that Weir’s activities were communicated externally, and so were available for assessment and recognition in the CCLA mental health benchmarking report.

Weir called in Lesley Hussell for a strategic approach, including writing a statement and thought leadership piece for CEO Jon Stanton as well as a series of case studies documenting wellbeing activities in Europe, the United States, Peru, Australia, China and South Africa.

The Solution

Lesley carried out interviews with Weir employees involved in leading mental health and wellbeing activity across the globe, from Oregon to Johannesburg to Glasgow. She created engaging content about programmes as varied as webinars, challenges, newsletters, workshops and team events, from coaching on stress management, optimising work performance and improving sleep habits to badminton and gardening clubs; and from mental health first aid volunteers to suicide prevention.

Lesley’s strategic approach was to show how Weir is breaking down the stigma around mental health, and crucially, to make sure every case study was aligned to the CCLA’s priorities, from acknowledging workplace mental health as an important concern for the business to giving employees the opportunity to design and development their own initiatives.

And when the CCLA shared its interim report, Lesley highlighted aspects where it should give Weir more credit.

The Result

Weir has been crowned “most improved in the UK” by the CCLA, with its mental health and wellbeing programmes held up as exemplary:

Weir Group | CCLA Benchmark | Weir (

It registered the biggest improvement in managing workplace mental health and its ranking improved by two tiers from tier 4 in 2022 to tier 2 in 2023.

Weir is delighted that its tireless efforts to support employee mental health and wellbeing have received the recognition they deserve – and will be looking to continue to build an even healthier and more resilient workforce going forward.


We are delighted with the support that Lesley provided to us as we worked to better communicate our broader Health & Wellbeing activities at Weir. Specifically, with regards to the CCLA assessment, Lesley did a wonderful job of understanding the criteria and applying that strategic lens to what and how we developed our communications. She made such a big impact and I look forward to working with Lesley again in the future.

Innis ScottWeir Group Head of Engagement