The Client

Global Trade Report for Creative Industries Federation

After collaborating very successfully with the Creative Industries Federation on their annual report – the C.Report  – it was a pleasure to edit their new Global Trade Report.

The Problem

The stakes are high: the UK earns £35 billion p.a. in exports – and wields incredible soft power – thanks to its creative industries. The Federation wanted to make the case for the Government putting the creative industries at the heart of its post-Brexit trade thinking.

I was called in to edit the report, slicing 25% from the 22,000-word draft to present a more succinct and persuasive argument.

The Answer

My role as editor involved liaising with three authors who had contributed different sections, adopting a consistent tone, deciding what material could be removed without diminishing the overall case and rendering officialise (UK and EU) into plain-speak for maximum clarity.

I suggested where hefty paragraphs and long lists of stats could be better portrayed as graphics, and paid special attention to expressing EU regulations in simple language. I also highlighted key quotes for emphasis.

The Result

It was a delight to write about how the UK, particularly London, is the global centre for the advertising industry; how the success of stars such as Adele, One Direction, Ed Sheeran and Little Mix is the envy of countries around the world; and how UK architects are behind iconic buildings on every continent.

Federation members’ concerns about the post-Brexit world are real, however, so it was important to give clear voice to their calls for strong protection of Intellectual Property, and easy movement of musicians/theatre props/photographic gear/artworks in and out of the EU.

You can view the full report here.

Response from the client:

“You’re a star. This is GREAT.”

“You’ve been fantastic to work with. It’s really rare to find a copy editor who so fully understands what a report needs to keep and what can go. “

Creative Industries Federation

Over-complicated reports? Let me wield the red pen for you.

My editing skills will help you create a succinct report that can be more easily digested and understood by your audience.  Contact Lesley at Editing Edge.