

education copywritingcopywritingcopywriter

A lesson in education copywriting

Beautifully crafted brochures espousing core values, state-of-the-art videos produced to capture the essence of the place, laborious funding applications, eye-catching websites, cleverly written adverts … the world of education today is a far cry from the schools many of us attended. From nurseries to universities, the sector has an imperative…
June 24, 2016
writing stylecopywritingcopywriter

You talkin’ to me?

Adjusting your writing style for your audience Who are you talking to when you’re putting together your marketing brochure or writing a piece for your website? Have you got a clear idea of who your target audience is for your business? Before you start any piece of writing, think: “Who…
February 8, 2016
should i suse a freelance copywritercopywritingcopywriter

Should I use a freelance copywriter?

You need to write your latest brochure / website content / newsletter / press release / video script (delete as appropriate) and you are facing the question: should I do it myself or bring in an expert? Why should you pay someone else to write about your company when, after…
January 22, 2016
the power of wordsnewscopywriter

Thatcher’s assassin and the power of words

Reading this weekend’s obituaries of Geoffrey Howe it is clear how he will be remembered best ­– as “Thatcher’s assassin.” Once Margaret Thatcher’s close Cabinet ally, he turned on her in a resignation speech famous for its deadly venom. I was a political editor at Westminster in 1990, and I…
October 12, 2015